Thursday, June 14, 2007

Senior Trip Good-bye

Here are a few folks saying good-bye after our Senior Trip. Do you remember where we went? Can you name any of the people in the picture? Check out the cars and the skirts!


Anonymous said...

I've been enjoying the picture and the memory of the NY, NY trip. I just can't see the figures clearly enough to pick anyone out.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a scene from "Once upon a time in America" to me.

Anonymous said...

Lois Stark, Barb Maynard and Barb Williams off center. It sure looks like Karen McAllister on the left side in another group also

Jan Bernath said...

My, what good eyes you have!! Have you been in NYC since our visit of 1958?

Anonymous said...

Looks like Ron Clark & Bill Lake (front, left center). Either that or Ron is wearing his skirt (center right). I didn't think Karen made the trip -- didn't she have mono about that time