Monday, June 4, 2007

One winner so far...

Bob Brown was able to ID the Fellow Classmates posting. Congrats, Bob! One free drink for you at the 2007 Fall Round-Up. Still a mystery is that tuba player. Anyone know who it was?


Anonymous said...

Jan, don't give ole "BBQ Bob" too many free drinks as he and Bill will be cooking our bergers and brauts at the Depot. Who knows what they might "serve up" if they get a little too much "sauce" from a brown bottle.

Jan Bernath said...

Three free drinks have been won to date.

1) Doug Warren named the mystery tuba player.
2) Doug C named 2 classmates in the 1st grade photo.
3) Bob Brown named the four classmates from our junior year.
** I messed up on one contest by giving the answers. Oops!

Good-job guys! Where are the women from our class?

Check back soon for more pictures and another chance to win a free drink at our Fall 2007 Round-up.

Anonymous said...

I'm getting worried. Bob B is winning everything. He's going to be too "schnockered" to do the cooking Saturday at the Round-Up.