Saturday, July 6, 2013

Newest List Yet of Classmates coming to the 55th class reunion--

Below are the classmates who have indicated they are coming to the 55th class reunion on Friday, September 13, and Saturday, September 14th:

  1. Linda Welch Alder
  2. Jan Bernath
  3. Bob Brown
  4. Becky Bush
  5. Ron Clark
  6. Bob Danforth
  7. Donna Dault
  8. Tom Dault
  9. Delores Fouty
  10. Jim Grau
  11. Norma Hafnar Hards
  12. Jim Heydlauff 
  13. Silas Hopkins
  14. Dave Kniseley
  15. Bill Lake
  16. Troy Lewis
  17. Ed McDaniels
  18. Lois Schiller Mitchell
  19. Violet Coppock Morrell
  20. Dave Pastor
  21. Byron Peason
  22. Bill Sorensen
  23. Doug Stark
  24. Bob Weber
  25. Sandy Buehler Weber 
If you know someone who intends to come but has not yet responded, please tell them to do so.  See you in September!

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