Saturday, May 18, 2013

May 20, 2013

To the members of Chelsea High School's Class of 1958--

The fifty-fifth class reunion will be held on Friday and Saturday, September 13-14th, 2013, to remember our time together at Chelsea High School. Activities planned are attendance of the football game on Friday night beginning at 7 pm and followed with a “sloppy joe” gathering at the home of Jim Grau at 737 South Main Street.

Beginning at noon on Saturday, we will share beverages and food at the American Legion Hall at 1700 Ridge Road on Cavanaugh Lake. We plan to eat about 2 pm but come early and stay long! We are spending our coffers out, so there will be very minimal charge—if any—for this final, organized reunion.

Some have expressed a desire to go out to a restaurant on Saturday evening, and that option is available at their own expense. However, others may wish to stay and enjoy a second helping for an evening meal!

Many changes have taken place in downtown Chelsea within the last five years as it continues to develop into a destination. We hope to have a map with the location of the new businesses to guide you around town and an opportunity for you to remember what was there while we were in high school. Our hospital has expanded, and a brewery, Chelsea Alehouse, opened this past fall!

If you have pictures that you would like to share with others, please send them to Lois Schiller Mitchell at 6655 Jackson Road #590, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48103 by August 15th. Lois will scan them for a “picture show” of the old times. They will be returned to you at the reunion.

Bill Sorensen has four rooms reserved under his name at the Holiday Inn Express on Friday and Saturday at $115. per night for those who may want a reservation. We suggest booking early. The Inn is located at 1154 Commerce Park Drive, and the telephone for reservations is 734 433 1600.

Please let us know if you plan to come or not by filling in the response below. No deposit needed. Return to Becky Slane Bush at 780 Taylor Street, Chelsea, 48118, by July 1, 2013.

We hope to see you here! Complete, cut here and send to Becky to the address above. Thanks!

Please check one:
________Yes, I am attending! _________No, I will not be attending.
________Number of people attending.

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