Wednesday, September 28, 2011

From our English teacher, Dave Knisely...

Dave went out to the Coney Island Restaurant to meet 1958 classmates for breakfast on Saturday, September 24. 'Seems that Dave was following the schedule of meeting at 9 a.m. Dave & Elaine Pastor, Byron, Julie, and Jim Grau interpreted 9 a.m. to be 9:15 a.m., so they thought they might be just fine if they showed up at 9:45 a.m. "just slightly late." (Does this sound like the Jim you know?)

After Dave Knisely left, he seized the opportunity to display his humor in the following poetry:

To Coney Island Restaurant; don’t want to be late.
I’m meeting some classmates: Fall Roundup date.
I arrived at the restaurant a bit before nine.
Large corner table’s empty. That’ll suit us fine.
The waitress brought me coffee and tableware for eight.
“My friends will be here soon. I’ll just wait.”
She touched my steering column. “I admire your scooter.”
I smiled and said, “I admire your hoo (oops!) hair.”
I looked at the crowds that kept coming in.
Was hogging the big table a cardinal sin?
Six people walked toward me. I glanced aside,
Sipped my coffee and tried to hide.
The six passed twice before finding a booth.
I think they were sneering, to tell you the truth.
I looked at my watch: ten after ten.
When were they coming? When? When?
I ordered more coffee to drown my sorrow
And thought of the forget-me-not, my favorite flower.
I glanced around and saw nary a friend.
I smiled at the waitress but it was only pretend.
The waitress gave me a sympathy wink.
“Well, are they coming? What do you think?”
I told her I was leaving. “The coffee is free.”
She patted my arm and started hugging me.
I left but for sure, I will be back.
Free coffee and a hug? I’ll give friends the sack!
I headed home with a caffeine high.
With a smile on my face I gave a big sigh.
I tried to relax but I was too wound up.
Coffee and a hug beat any Fall Roundup!
       David K.

(No pictures were taken.)