Monday, June 9, 2008

Which English teacher

sent his/her picture for publication in the class booklet? You have a 50% chance of being correct! (No Dougs allowed for two days.)


Anonymous said...

I know but I won't tell, how about you Doug W ????

Doug C

Anonymous said...

As Sargent Klink on Hogan Hero's said, "My lips are sealed!!!"

Doug W.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to the Dougs for remaining silent. Thanks to Barb Maynard Vetter took a guess by emailing me directly. Barb, you weren't correct in your answer.

Barb raises an issue: How do you answer on the blog? Just click on the blue link and a "leave your comment box" should come up. Put your comment in the box, sign your name after the comment, go down to the "ananymous" choice, check it, then click on publish your comment. Just like I'm doing now.

The answer is: Peggy Miller Russo sent in her picture for the booklet. She's sending her bio shortly so I can work on it next week.
