Sunday, May 25, 2008

Whose good fortune? (No Dougs allowed)

"I have never been hungry, without medical insurance, and have almost always had a roof over my head except when I have chosen not to. No major health problems other than getting older and the maladies that accompany age."


Jan Bernath said...

Hmmm....perhaps we should have the Dougs take a stab at who had such good fortune.

Anonymous said...

Hey Doug Warren, ya see when they get in trouble -- then they come to us for the answers.

Shall we tease them a bit and not even guess?

Doug C

Anonymous said...

That sounds like our buddy, Bill Lake.

I didn't read his bio so I don't know for sure.

Doug C

Jan Bernath said...

No, not Bill Lake. Who else might it be?

Doug Warren said...

I am waiting like you Doug C. They need our help and they say NO DOUGS! I was going to say J.B. but someone might tthink I ment Jan Berneth. Oh well, let them guess some more!!!! Doug

Anonymous said...

Yep! Your right let them guess and maybe we will see who kept up on there class history and fellow classmates. We have been a class that stuck together all these years. There should be more who can come up with the answers. I will be watching. Doug.....

Jan Bernath said...

This philosophical classmate is Ron Clark.

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like ole Ron should "write a book." I'll buy a copy.

Doug C