Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Deadline for bios and pictures is June 1.

Hoping to complete the booklet with at least "entries" from:

Lois Schiller Mitchell
Peggy Miller Russo
Jerome Forner
Becky Slane Bush
Bob Brown
Ron Clark
Norma Hafner Hards
Sandy Buehler Weber
Bob Weber
Ed McDaniels

These people indicated an interest previously, but others are certainly welcome by June 1.


Jan Bernath said...

Plus,we need a picture from Barbara Maynard Vetter...

Ron C. said...

Mine is in the void of e-mail. 364 words... my life boiled down to 364 words.

Anonymous said...

Somehow I could never believe that as interesting and creative as your life has been that it would "boil down to 364 words."

You are "holding back on us" and we all would love to share in hearing your story.

Doug C

Jan Bernath said...

The current bios received thusfar run from 250 words to slightly under 2,000 words. Shooting for the middle might be a goal! Ron, we want to know the lessons you've learned!

Anonymous said...

What is it with these English Majors (Peggy Miller Russo & Bob Weber) not getting their bios sent in yet?

I would think that they would be some of the first -- as talented as they are with words.

Doug C