Monday, December 3, 2007


Jim Grau was overheard at Thompson's pizza telling a story about being expelled from a certain math class for a week. It seems that three other boys received the same treatment. Jim said he, Karl, Byron, and a fourth person spent the week playing cards during the hour at Karl's house while banned from the class. Karl told his dad that they had done so well on a math test that they didn't need to go to class for the entire week.

Question: Who was the unnamed fourth person?


Anonymous said...

My guess would be Jerome or Doug C.

Jan Bernath said...

Doug claims he cannot "publish" a comment on the blog anymore. Do you think he's been silenced? Or, are the rest of you having difficulty too? If so, just email me at

Jan Bernath said...

Doug, was it you? Or, Jerome?

Megan said...

Test... Just checking to see if this is really a difficulty w/ your blog, or your generation :) Just kidding Mom!!!!

Anonymous said...


I am finding no difficulty posting comments as a google/blogger user or anonymous.

Have you tried posting as an anonymous user? No need to remember a password or type in your email -- just "sign" your name at the end.

Your technical support person,

Megan said...

One last "technical" thought before I leave your blog and go back to my own...

Blogger did change recently. The system likes passwords of AT LEAST eight (8) characters in length. Passwords can be numbers, letters or a combination of both.

Mom, this was your problem -- your other password was too short. A longer password makes things more secure, I guess... Sorry if it has caused your class to have difficulty posting (although I am not in control of what blogger does!).

Jan Bernath said...

Thanks, Megan. You are a terrific technical support person, among other things. So, if people are having difficulty posting they should:

post using anonymous and sign their name, or

change their password to at least 8 characters

Just checking for understanding for us more mature folks!

Doug C said...

Megan, I use to like you!-- ie. "our generation".

It had to be Jerome, I think.

Thanks for the idea (anonymous), Megan but I shy away from hiding behind a facade.

See Megan, it was not our fault they changed the rules because we were "too short" -- Bill Lake you are going to have a real problem then.

And Jan, it is alright to say we are the more experienced and wiser folks.

Doug C

Megan said...


The older I get, the wiser my Mom gets. I think there is a correlation there somewhere... She seemed to know so little when I was a teenager. Truth be known, she was brillant all along. (and, as I am sure you are well aware - beautiful & kind too!)

The generational joke was all in good fun!

Anonymous said...

Megan, I agree your mom is very smart as well beautiful -- but I'll never tell her so. You know, she'll get a "big head" and all that.

Doug C

Anonymous said...

Sure wish Jerome would either deny it was him or confirm our suspicions.

Doug C

Anonymous said...

You know, it might have been Eisenbeiser.

Doug C