Wednesday, December 5, 2007

impotance continued (written by Byron's cousin!)


Ron C. said...

I was really, really worried when I read, "impotence continued (written by Byron's cousin!)". Especially since I was once married to Byron's cousin.

Doug C said...

It appears that she remembers you well, Ron.

Jimb said...

Is this really the right forum to be discussing personal medical (mental) problems?

Doug C said...

Speaking of mental problems, Jimbo, Ron and I were just talking about you last week.

Megan said...

Doug - Your generation is funny!

Not a good typo Mom!

Glad to see the difficulty w/ posting comments is resolved... I think I am glad anyway?!... You guys have some funny comments!

Anonymous said...

Megan, for the most part we have been able to keep the teasing all in good fun. I must admit though, some folks occasionally lose their sense of humor. Life is too short not to be able to laugh at ourselves even in serious situations.

Doug C