Friday, November 23, 2007

Federal Screw Building

This is a blotter produced in the early 1900s to advertise the FSW--earlier named Chelsea Screw Company. The building in the far right corner was the original office built in 1919. That building, plus the other office building on Congdon are classic! You can also see the interurban running through the site.


Jimb said...

Great picture Jan. It just so happens that my grandfather was a conductor (I think that's what they were called). Anyway he ran one from Ann Arbor on into Detroit, until he messed up and put one in to a bank lobby in Ypsilanti. He then decided to go to work as a track maintenance worker.

Jimb said...

Sorry gang, I forgot to finish my sentence about Grampa being a conductor. He was a conductor on the old interurban (DUR) railway. He also went to work as a track worker later for the New York Central System.

Anonymous said...


I understand that such driving skills are passed on from generation to generation. Such being the case, please warn me the next time you will be driving in Chelsea.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I can't even get a rise out of ole Jim.

Let's see if he is monitoring this and responds.

Doug C