Friday, July 20, 2007

Our Hometown

Doug had a question about a book written about Chelsea. I suspect it's Our Hometown: American's History as Seen Through the Eyes of a Midwestern Village by Cynthia Furlong Reynolds, ISBN 1-58536-00-7. If anyone wants a copy, most likely Cranesbill Bookstore has them. It's a locally owned bookstore, and it's great to "shop locally". I can make sure Jan Loveland, the owner, has copies in September.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Jan. That's the book I saw. And yes, I would like to purchase a copy. If it is available at the Reunion, I'd like a copy.

Leslie said...

Hi - I stumbled upon your blog because I am the creator of the website, and I am always on the lookout for additional sources of Chelsea news, events and information. :)

Just wanted to comment on this blog post because if your class is interested in this book, you can most definitely find it at Cranesbill. Also, if you aren't in a hurry, it's likely that they can get you a signed copy because the author lives in the area. Their website is and their phone number is 433-BOOK.

Take care!

Jan Bernath said...

Autographed copies of Our Hometown is available now at Cranesbill Books on East Middle Street for $35.

Anonymous said...

I have the book. Its worth the money, but my daughter secretly purchased it for me when we were in Michigan a couple years ago.