Saturday, December 16, 2017

Bob Weber's funeral

Classmates attended Bob's funeral in Owosso

On a very snowy day, Ed, Ron, Sandy, and Jan(et) attended Bob's funeral.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Bob Weber died early in the morning, December 7

Bob died early last Thursday morning, and his service will be Thursday, December 14, at St. Joe's in Owosso at 11 a.m.  Visitation is one hour before the service, and there is a luncheon after the service.

I saw Bob in the late afternoon on December 6 at the assisted living facility in Owosso where he had been staying for awhile.  Bob was alert, seemingly without pain, and  in the lazy-boy chair he occupied almost full time since he went into the facility.  He had a book published by National Geographic titled "The Body" next to him, and he told me he wasn't reading it to find a cure but out of fascination about how the body worked. Bob told me he tought it was quite remarkable that everything evolved out of two cells into a complex organism.

How thankful I am that Ed McDaniels brought him to the class lunch last fall.

Next to him were tributes to Bobby Dylan and the Pope.  Farewell, my dear friend, you carried your values to the end.