Thursday, January 5, 2017

Invitation to plant a tree donated by our class (please read post)

Your thoughts on the invitation below?

"Hi Jan,

My name is Shawn Sinacola-Rodriguez, and I am a teacher at Chelsea High School. Thank you for the information you shared about the history of Chelsea Schools. My students and I are planting an Alumni Arbor on May 6th, and we will be seeking to contact all previously graduated classes of CHS to come plant a tree on that date. I noticed from your email with Bill O'Reilly that you graduated in 1958 and that you maintain a blogspot. Do you have a link that you could share with me for your blogspot? Also, are you in contact with any other graduated classes? Do you have any ideas for the best ways to connect with class leaders?

We have created a Facebook page and survey links to connect with classes, and we will be launching these links via Chelsea Update, mLive, and flyers/signs throughout Chelsea beginning February 1st. I hope that you'll be there on May 6th to represent the class of 1958! 

Thanks for considering my questions above and be in touch,

Shawn and the Alumni Arbor Club Class of 2017"